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On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portable application. In this case only this command line option is considered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored. To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create an empty file named oqgpgconf.ctlcq in the same directory as the tool oqgpgconf.execq. This allows falling back to one of the other drivers even if the internal CCID driver can handle the reader. Note, that CCID support is only available if libusb was available at build time.reader-port numberorstring This option may be used to specify the port of the card terminal. A value of 0 refers to the first serial device; add 32768.
Section: GNU Privacy Guard 2.1 (1)Updated: 2017-05-11
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scdaemon- Smartcard daemon for the GnuPG systemSYNOPSIS
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The scdaemon is a daemon to manage smartcards. It is usuallyinvoked by gpg-agent and in general not used directly.COMMANDS
Commands are not distinguished from options except for the fact thatonly one command is allowed.
- --version
- Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you cannotabbreviate this command.
- --help, -h
- Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command-line options.Note that you cannot abbreviate this command.
- --dump-options
- Print a list of all available options and commands. Note that you cannotabbreviate this command.
- --server
- Run in server mode and wait for commands on the stdin. Thedefault mode is to create a socket and listen for commands there.
- --multi-server
- Run in server mode and wait for commands on the stdin as well ason an additional Unix Domain socket. The server command GETINFOmay be used to get the name of that extra socket.
- --daemon
- Run the program in the background. This option is required to preventit from being accidentally running in the background.
On Windows systems it is possible to install GnuPG as a portableapplication. In this case only this command line option isconsidered, all other ways to set a home directory are ignored.
To install GnuPG as a portable application under Windows, create anempty file named oqgpgconf.ctlcq in the same directory as the tooloqgpgconf.execq. The root of the installation is then thatdirectory; or, if oqgpgconf.execq has been installed directly belowa directory named oqbincq, its parent directory. You also need tomake sure that the following directories exist and are writable:oqROOT/homecq for the GnuPG home and oqROOT/var/lib/cache/gnupgcqfor internal cache files.
- none
- No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used instead ofthe keyword.
- basic
- Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be usedinstead of the keyword.
- advanced
- More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be usedinstead of the keyword.
- expert
- Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be usedinstead of the keyword.
- guru
- All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 may beused instead of the keyword. The creation of hash tracing files isonly enabled if the keyword is used.
How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is notspecified and may change with newer releases of this program. They arehowever carefully selected to best aid in debugging.
- All debugging options are subject to change and thus should not be usedby any application program. As the name says, they are only used ashelpers to debug problems.
- 0 (1)
- command I/O
- 1 (2)
- values of big number integers
- 2 (4)
- low level crypto operations
- 5 (32)
- memory allocation
- 6 (64)
- caching
- 7 (128)
- show memory statistics
- 9 (512)
- write hashed data to files named dbgmd-000*
- 10 (1024)
- trace Assuan protocol.See also option --debug-assuan-log-cats.
- 11 (2048)
- trace APDU I/O to the card. This may reveal sensitive data.
- 12 (4096)
- trace some card reader related function calls.
To get a list of available CCID readers you may use this command:
Telesec Others Drivers Test
seconds. Powering down the cardavoids a potential risk of damaging a card when used with certaincheap readers. This also allows applications that are not aware ofScdaemon to access the card. The disadvantage of using a card timeoutis that accessing the card takes longer and that the user needs toenter the PIN again after the next power up.Note that with the current version of Scdaemon the card is powereddown immediately at the next timer tick for any value of n otherthan 0.
All the long options may also be given in the configuration file afterstripping off the two leading dashes.
scdaemon supports the card applications as described below.
The OpenPGP card application ``openpgp'
This application is currently only used by gpg but may infuture also be useful with gpgsm. Version 1 and version 2 ofthe card is supported.
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The specifications for these cards are available at
( and
The Telesec NetKey card ``nks'
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This is the main application of the Telesec cards as available inGermany. It is a superset of the German DINSIG card. The card isused by gpgsm.
The DINSIG card application ``dinsig'
This is an application as described in the German draft standardDIN V 66291-1. It is intended to be used by cards supportingthe German signature law and its bylaws (SigG and SigV).
The PKCS#15 card application ``p15'
This is common framework for smart card applications. It is used bygpgsm.
The Geldkarte card application ``geldkarte'
This is a simple application to display information of a GermanGeldkarte. The Geldkarte is a small amount debit card application whichcomes with almost all German banking cards.
The SmartCard-HSM card application ``sc-hsm'
This application adds read-only support for keys and certificatesstored on a (, SmartCard-HSM).
To generate keys and store certifiates you may use(, OpenSC) orthe tools from (, OpenSCDP).
The SmartCard-HSM cards requires a card reader that supports ExtendedLength APDUs.
The Undefined card application ``undefined'
This is a stub application to allow the use of the APDU command evenif no supported application is found on the card. This application isnot used automatically but must be explicitly requested using theSERIALNO command.
There are a few configuration files to control certain aspects ofscdaemons's operation. Unless noted, they are expected in thecurrent home directory (see: [option --homedir]).
- scdaemon.conf
- This is the standard configuration file read by scdaemon onstartup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashesmay not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This defaultname may be changed on the command line (see: [option --options]).
- scd-event
- If this file is present and executable, it will be called on every cardreader's status change. An example of this script is provided with thedistribution
- reader_n.status
- This file is created by scdaemon to let other applications nowabout reader status changes. Its use is now deprecated in favor ofoqscd-eventcq.
gpg-agent(1),gpgsm(1),gpg2(1)The full documentation for this tool is maintained as a Texinfo manual.If GnuPG and the info program are properly installed at your site, thecommand
should give you access to the complete manual including a menu structureand an index.
- The OpenPGP card application ``openpgp'
- The Telesec NetKey card ``nks'
- The DINSIG card application ``dinsig'
- The PKCS#15 card application ``p15'
- The Geldkarte card application ``geldkarte'
- The SmartCard-HSM card application ``sc-hsm'
- The Undefined card application ``undefined'